
Blog - IDEASMINE | La puissance de l'Innovation Participative

30 seconds for :

1. Tell if you agree or not  with the proposed definition of innovation.
2. Answer to the questions about the main causes, in your opinion of the lack of innovation.

30 s to complete the form at this link :https://goo.gl/9lxZJ9

Once you have answered, you will have access to all previous answers.

Following the publication of the e-briefing (pdf file) written by Al Consulting for the magazine L'USINE NOUVELLE, please find below the link to a survey form about the perception of  interest and conditions for implementation of collaborative innovation.

It will take only 30 seconds to answer it and  you will immediately have access to the synthesis of all the answers (already more than 120 answers).
To access the survey: click here


Une Solution pour Augmenter Votre Marge Brute avec Vos Ressources Actuelles.

The management system of the progress idea from our large corporate customers (Renault SA, Alcoa, Valeo, Faurecia, Hager, BNP Paribas…) allows them to achieve several million euros of savings every year.
We adapted by simplify their best practices, for your company to be able to benefit from.
For details on this solution:
- Visit our website :www.ideasmine.net or create an account on http://demo.ideasmine.net
Together, we can accelerate your company's progress by helping your teams «To do better with less®».


Innovate Better and More With Your Current Resources.

The waste of resources, the lost values, are significant.
It is crucial to increase consciousness from  now and to set up  new management methods to operate the potential for progress that represent  the ideas and actions of all  who "like" your company. (employees, customers, suppliers..).

To find out the 30 slides : http://www.ideasmine.net/teleconference innovate better and more V2.pdf

The city of Paris has set up a solution to collect the progress ideas from its employees and of all the residents of Paris.

Please click here on this website :https://idee.paris.fr/

I propose to all the mayors of France to test this solution, free of charge for 1 month, for all his municipality.

The site is SaaS secure and dedicated to the municipality.

If you are interested  fill out the form available at this address :http://www.ideasmine.net/fr/demande-de-site


Under the Lean&Green progress system described above, here the 10 principles that can be considered within your team and generate visible and sustainable fast progress actions.

These principles guide the action by applying the traditional tools of Lean (5S, QRQC, Kanban, MRPG....) and reinforce the forms of organisations which involve (AGP : autonomous groups of progress, production, projects and services..).
They participate in the liberation of the initiatives of all the employees of the company.


Improving working conditions is one of the essential sources of a firm's performance.

In the dozen slides of the enclosed file, I show positive consequences of the implementation of an approach "Good Lean" about the working conditions.

The elements  refer mostly to the workshops but are 80 % transferable to the offices.


If you want to express your ideas, see the slide N°14.


To clarify the key components of a project and to communicate as well, these two points are the main keys to get the people involed.

Click on the link below, you will have access to a powerpoint presentation that will helps to formalize the progress project ofone entity, one product or one process.

The creation project of the IFCI (Institute France China for Innovation) is given as an example.


You can use this template only if you keep the AL Consulting copyright.

In the  slide N ° 10, there are some links to propose your ideas of progress on the approach and on the document.




150 millions Euros in 3 years for RENAULT SA.

In 2011, 2012 and 2013, RENAULT SA raised 150 million euros thanks to the implementation of the CIP (Concrete ideas for progress).(click on the logo to see image taken from the social report).

To invite the initiative, the creativity, the intelligence of employees it is not the prerogative of large companies, it is more for Mid-caps, SMEs and also VSE and in all kind of activity.

AL Consulting offers to help you to set up a management system of ideas, actions and good practices that will permit to reach  between 750 to 1500 € net profit per employee per year.


I invite you to watch a 3 minutes video made by Al Consulting with all details about an innovative process to increase your margins.

Watch the video : http://goo.gl/LqPSoK

To have access to practical information click on the last map of the video or click here.




Our address

AL Consulting
7 rue Fourcade
75015 PARIS
Phone #: +33232563400
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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