
A solution to increase the margin - IDEASMINE | La puissance de l'Innovation Participative

A solution to increase the margin

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Une Solution pour Augmenter Votre Marge Brute avec Vos Ressources Actuelles.

The management system of the progress idea from our large corporate customers (Renault SA, Alcoa, Valeo, Faurecia, Hager, BNP Paribas…) allows them to achieve several million euros of savings every year.
We adapted by simplify their best practices, for your company to be able to benefit from.
For details on this solution:
- Visit our website :www.ideasmine.net or create an account on http://demo.ideasmine.net
Together, we can accelerate your company's progress by helping your teams «To do better with less®».


Our address

AL Consulting
7 rue Fourcade
75015 PARIS
Phone #: +33232563400
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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